[Ponte Alto] Posting *for* the Sunday Indoor Winter Site!

Max Nelson maxntropy at worldnet.att.net
Sun Dec 23 12:36:43 PST 2007

I apologize for apparently being insufficiently clear on my prior post  
when I stated that a number of the senior fighters of the Barony had  
*pledged* the funds and that we could be held liable for that pledge  
(I had thought that sufficient explication, but clearly it was not) --  
as Thomas has stated, we have agreed that we are willing to offer the  
money up-front to the Barony, if asked (so don't worry, Thomas will  
not be putting up all the money up-front on his lonesome if we need to  
put the money up-front).

To follow-up on Sir Thomas' request for posts indicating Pro or Con, I  
am expressing my vote *for* the use of the Lemon Road school as a  
Sunday Indoor Winter Site as proposed -- and again hoping that the  
broader community will both be for the use of the site and come-out to  
take use of the site and develop that regular, integrated sense of  
camaraderie that the posts have been discussing!  I would not vote to  
require the "pledged" funds up-front, but as stated, we would be  
willing to do so, if the Barony so wished.

I look forward to other posts expressing the votes of you all, and I  
sincerely hope that we can agree to move forward with and fully take  
advantage of this exciting opportunity!

In Service,

Baron Max VH

On Dec 23, 2007, at 2:37 PM, thrid at aol.com wrote:

> Greta,
> First I would like to clear up any possible misunderstandings.  The  
> school did not approach us.  We approached the school, to see if we  
> could obtain use of the facilities over the winter months on the  
> weekends.  The school indicated their facilities were available, and  
> since we were a nonprofit organization, the only expense would be  
> the cost of the janitor which is required to open and close the  
> facility. That cost is $32 per hour with a 4 hour minimum. We have a  
> good relationship with the school, but the school is not asking us  
> to use their gym. We have asked them.
> The fighters which have asked the Barony for this financial outlay  
> are well aware of the financial liability to the Barony.  This is  
> why certain senior fighters within the barony have pledged to cover  
> at least half of the expense in a very worst case scenario. As Max  
> has indicated, we take this pledge seriously.
> The heavy fighting community has been instrumental in helping raise  
> much of the funds this Barony runs on.  We as a group have not asked  
> for much in return.  The fighters listed in the original post are  
> now asking, as a group, for the Barony to take a small financial  
> risk with this proposal. To provide evidence of the strength of  
> their commitment to success of this endeavor, many are making  
> personal financial commitments to ensure the Barony's risk remains  
> small.  However, if members of the Barony feels our pledge is  
> inadequate, I for one will be happy to place $920 in to the Barony's  
> coffers, up front, to cover the fighter's pledge for the first eight  
> weeks.
> Since the original posting, additional members of the barony have  
> indicated there support for this activity. Both openly on this list  
> and directly to me.  I am asking the rest of the Barony to take a  
> risk on itself. Please indicate, through a posting if you are in  
> favor or against this proposal. And if the postings are favorable, I  
> am asking the financial commitee to vote for the funds to be maid  
> available at to sign the contract. Finally I am asking the Barony to  
> come join use on Sunday's, bring your fencing, your dancing, your A  
> & S, and your general comradery.
> Thomas of Calais
> riginal Message-----
> From: Barbara Reed <bereed26 at yahoo.com>
> To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
> Sent: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:26 pm
> Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Questions re: Possible Indoor Site For  
> Baronial Activities
> Fellow Pontoons:  While this is an intersting proposal
> and perhaps a good opportunity for the Barony, I think
> that Mistress Anne brings up a very valid point
> regarding financial liability for the Barony.  While
> the heavy fighters may well have "pledged" financial
> support for this endeavour, they are NOT the ones with
> whom the school would have a financial contract, and
> thus they are NOT the ones who would be legally on the
> hook for the money.  The BARONY would be the legal
> entity with the financial obligation.
> Anne has also asked a germain question regarding
> immediacy of this decision.  Has the individual to
> whom the school spoke explained to the school
> administration that we have certain proceedures which
> our local organization must follow for such a
> financial outlay?  If not, then I would recommend that
> this be the first course of action.  The school
> administration may be willing to allow us a little bit
> of time to go through proper channels to vote on this
> proposal.  If the school is addemate that a decision
> must be made now (but I will point out that the
> Fairfax County schools are closed until January 2),
> then it would be proper to ask the Emergendy Financial
> Committee to vote on a one month contract, perhaps for
> 2 Sundays of that month.  As the school appears to
> have been to ones to approach our group on this
> matter, they may be willing to work with us on the
> particulars if we ask them.
> Yours in Service,
> Greta Klusenaere, O.P.
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