[Ponte Alto] Armoring Day. Come out and help...

R B catch_the_dragon at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 08:54:13 PDT 2007

w00t!  As they never said in medieval times.

I shall contribute some posterboard for patterns, some
padding ('cause we could all use a little extra) and
possibly bring some hardware...as well as all the
armor that lives in the trunk of my car.

I take it this is more for the looking at of armor
than the refitting of armor?  Nonetheless I have
resources and, such as they are, I'll pool 'em.


--- Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Greetings Ponte Alto,
>   With all the talk about needing armor and doing
> something to expand and train troops, I've taken the
> bull by the horns and decided to have an Armoring
> Day at my place!  
>   When? Saturday April 28, 2007 at 12:30pm
>   Where? 6039 Terrapin Pl., Alexandria, VA 22310.
>   Why? Because the barony needs armor and I have it.
>   The idea is for anyone interested in acquiring,
> trading, or making armor  to drop by and pick
> through or help recondition bits of armor meant to
> get new people on the field. The armor is not meant
> to be for old members, but if an old member sees
> something they want and can trade me something for
> it, they can walk away with a new gorget or elbow
> cop or whatever it is that catches their attention.
> This day is meant to outfit our new and interested
> fighters. So if you want to help come on out. I’ll
> have drinks and snack foods for those that stop by.
>   YIS,
>   Lady Marie-Therese Normand
>   Commander, Wildcards
>   Pontoon since 1999 :)
> ---------------------------------
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