[Ponte Alto] Recruitment and the Barony

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 07:57:19 PDT 2007

Hi Kat,
  Again, recruitment is up to the entire Barony,...
  I think that's what I said. Did I get it muddled?
Lady Marie-Therese

Katharine Devereaux <katdevereaux at hotmail.com> wrote:
          "As for recruitment. It should be actively persued. That's why we have a Deputy of Demo's. It is up to that person to recruit and retain people for our club."
  I will disagree with you on this point - it is up to the entire barony to work on recruitment, not just the Demo Deputy. The person in that position can help coordinate and help lead the effort, but each member of this Barony should keep recruitment in mind and help out where they can - whether this is talking to their friends, people they meet, whatever it is - showing up at the demos (one is on Friday btw...)
  People wil stay in this hobby if they find a niche/aspect they enjoy and people they want to spend time with. As a team, the Barony, can help support the recruits and get them into the areas that interest them. Listen to people and if the aspect of this hobby they enjoy is not quite the aspect that you do, get them in touch with those that share interests - that will keep people in this hobby. If someone expresses an interest and you don't know where to direct them, ask the Chatelaine or any of the Baronial Officers.
  Again, recruitment is up to the entire Barony, not just our Chatelaine or Demo Deputy.
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