[Ponte Alto] Challenge Event for Meleeing..... :)

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 30 07:23:42 PDT 2007

Greetings Ponte Alto,
  Has everyone heard about this event? We've been challenged. The SCA forces of Atlantia have been chanllenged. Who's going to this event? Anyone want to defend the honor of your Kingdom and Barony by forming up and beating down the challengers of Galatia and Anglesey?
  MAY 6: Is a challenge event.
Pickups start at 10 am, with Melees to start at 11am.
This war practice will have combat archery in all scenarios. SCA combat
rules will be used for the day (in case that was a question). Finn of
House BlackSpear will help run the scenarios and marshal activities.
Many thanks to Gregor Von Leipzig of Storvik for arranging the site and
Morgrendel of Galitia for the challenge. See http://galatia. us/challenge 
for more details

Location and Direction:
Marietta Mansion
5626 Bell Station Road,
Glenn Dale, Md. 20769

Directions from I-95/495, the Capital Beltway:
Take Exit 20 onto Rt. 450 East.
Go 4 miles.
Turn left on Rt. 193.
Turn left onto Bell Station Road.
Take the first left into Marietta Mansion.
Lady Marie-Therese Normand
  Commander, Wildcards
  Pontoon since 1999 :)

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.
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