[Ponte Alto] Nanny?

Kerri Baker hollesleysgodith at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 16:44:30 PDT 2006


I am most interested in your offer.  I have experience as a Nanny,
albiet many years ago.  I am 35 this month and haven't played much
this year, but did my first year out.  I would be interested in
meeting with you and discussing the opportunity at hand.

As for the garb, I sew, but help with patterns would be more to my liking.


Godith of Hollesley
 - Kerri Baker
 - Marshall, VA (Barony of Stierbach)

On 10/3/06, mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com
<mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com> wrote:
> Greetings!
> We're looking for a babysitter to help us out at events. Right now, we'd like to
> have somebody for Crusades, but if everybody is happy about the arrangements, we
> would be interested in a continuing child-care helper for events, including
> Pennsic and beyond. For Crusades and other one-shot deals, we'll pay. If we
> decide on an on-going relationship, I'd like to provide somebody with
> custom-fitted, authentic* 14th or 15th century clothes, a place to camp, and/or
> monetary compensation, depending on the specifics of the engagement.
> Essentially, I'm looking for a "step-daughter", whom I will outfit and treat
> like family in exchange for childcare help. If you or somebody that you know
> might be interested, please contact me off-list.
> Cheers,
> Mathilde
> (cross-posted, sorry if you see this multiple times)
> *machine sewn dresses and hose, so the recipient could have more clothes (plus
> several linen shifts), unless she'd prefer fewer, hand-finished dresses.
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