[Ponte Alto] Silent Auction goodies you won't want to miss at Crown Tourney!

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 31 11:40:56 PST 2006

Good gentles of Atlantia,

I am writing to tell you of at least two of the very
exciting items that will be auctioned off at the Crown
Tourney Silent Auction coming up this weekend.  As a
fundraiser to support the travels of our very
hardworking sovereigns, the silent auction will enable
them to continue to traverse the length and breadth of
our vast and mighty kingdom in pursuit of their noble

The first item is fresh off the boat from England,
literally.  It was hand carried home in my humble
purse from the Museum of London just last week.  It is
a book entitled "The Cheapside Hoard" by Hazel

To quote the MOL site: "The Cheapside Hoard is the
greatest hoard of Elizabethan and Jacobean jewellery
ever found. Now displayed in the Museum of London, it
was uncovered in the cellar of a building demolished
in 1912. The hoard includes a wide range of high
quality necklaces, rings, pendants and brooches, many
of them incorporating precious and semi-precious
stones from all over the world. This beautifully
illustrated new book tells the full story of its
discovery and describes many of the key objects from
the collection. Publisher: Museum of London."

I can promise that the book is full of MANY color
pictures of very beautiful jewelry.

The second very exciting collection of objects to be
auctioned off hearkens back many many years ago, 4,000
to be exact.  Our Viking and Mongol friends will
probably be most excited about these items, a
collection of 3 mammoth bone beads.  These were
purchased from an antiquities dealer in Warwick,
England just last week.  As they are rare and hard to
find, this is certainly an auction lot you won't want
to miss!

Come look for the green Silent Auction pavilion at
this weekend's Crown Tourney!  We will be open from
11:30 to 3:30!

And if you want to donate your own treasures, don't be
shy!  We are also accepting donations, so feel free to
bring them on by!

Many thanks,

Lady Courtney

Lady Courtney de Houghton 
Atlantian Clerk of Law
Barony of Ponte Alto Chronicler
St. Anne's Clothiers Guild Webminister
Barony of Ponte Alto Deputy Webminister
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA

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