GuyLestran at aol.com GuyLestran at aol.com
Sat May 13 09:43:41 PDT 2006

Hey all,
This is more of a Baronial/Household Tent.  It is a GP Medium Tent  Liner.  A 
GP medium is a good sized Army Tent. Last Time we used it was at  a Gulf  War 
and it gave us the room to dine in with around 15-20 folks as  well as have a 
good sized work space.  It is not completely waterproof but  it could be with 
the right coating.  During the rain we got there it misted  inside but was 
otherwise good to go.  It is just to big for my needs right  now and I am 
looking to donate it to anyone who might want it.
Sir Guy
"Knighthood  Is Only The Beginning"
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