[Ponte Alto] Pennsic 35
Miles de Locwode
milesdelocwode at cox.net
Thu May 11 14:33:29 PDT 2006
Greeting from you Land Agent for Pennsic 35,
As Lady Katherine has been kind to point out the deadlines for
pre-registering for this years Pennsic is coming up soon. If you are
planning on camping with the Barony this year, you must pre-register by the
deadlines (15 May for mail-ins and 15 June for on-line). Also, I would
asked three things of our good populace to ensure that the need to medicate
your land agent (me) is kept to a minimum.
1. If you are planning to camp with the Barony this year, please email me
off list with the names and number of the people in your group.
2. Go to the Pennsic 35 web site at:
http://www.pennsicwar.org/penn35/index.html and pre-register. Please either
print out your form or write down you PENN# for each of the people
registered in your party. Also, you have to register enough people to cover
your tentage, ropes and a 75 foot per person give back for common area
within the encampment. If you have questions about figuring out your sqaure
footage requirements, please go to our Baronial Web Page for help (link
listed below) or contact me off-list and I will assist you. I need this
information to ensure we get all the land that we are entitled.
3. Go to the Baronial Web Page at:
http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/pennsic/index.php and register there as
well. Please, please, please fill out all the information on the
registration form. I will need this information to ensure we get our land
allotment and to lay out the encampment. It you see red numbers in the
overrun column of the form you must:
a. Register additional person or persons with Pennsic (if over 250 square
feet)to cover your overrun. This is commonly referred to as a ghost
registration. However do not register a child or infant as a ghost.
Pennsic gets very upset about this and will take their displeasure on the
entire group next year if they find that a number of children were
pre-registered but did not show up at the gate. Also, remember to register
your ghosts with the Barony. You will not be charged 75 square foot give
back for your ghost.
b. Or you can share a ghost and the cost of it with someone else within
the Barony to cover your land overruns. I have done this in the past and it
works out very well. In fact, I am doing it this year with Lady Peronelle
and Lord William who Lady Luce and I are sharing a ghost to cover our 189
square foot overrun that you will see on the camper's page of our web page
when like the good people that your are you help me keep my sanity by
I thank you all in the for your assistance and I look forward to seeing
everyone at Lady Peronelle's home next Friday night (19 May) for our Pennsic
Ready, Set, Go! Night.
Your In Service,
Miles de Locwode
Land Agent, Pennsic 35
Barony of Ponte Alto
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