[Ponte Alto] moving to the area

Cassie Conley cassie at alum.mit.edu
Wed May 3 07:30:14 PDT 2006

Greetings to the list!

This note is just to introduce myself, Cassandra of Crosston from the Principality of the Mists in the West Kingdom.  I'll be relocating to the DC area for one year starting May 15th.  I haven't figured out where I'm living yet, but I'll be working right downtown, just off the Mall.  I'll be doing a lot of travelling, so it would be great if I could find a housemate who might watch my cats while I'm away.  

If anyone is looking to share a place or knows of possible housemate openings, I'd be very interested in hearing about them!  

Regards to all,
	-- Cassie

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