[Ponte Alto] Something We talking about at a New Comers meeting.

Charlene Ratliff ms_spydra at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 2 08:39:51 PDT 2006

*Chimming In*

Would it be possible for us to "make," our own demo(s)?  St Paddy's day this 
year turned into a large demo and even though a few of us were initially 
wigged out (yes I am referring to me specifically) it ended up turning out 
quite well.

Since we initially didn't plan on St Paddy's being a demo we had to prep for 
it at the last minute and we had security concerns.  However if we actually 
plan an "event," as a demo to begin with we can be prepared for what to 
expect well ahead of time.

I guess what I'm saying is maybe twice a year we could do a demo.  Get a 
church or park to let us use their land.  We could even plan it like an 
event but instead of having Troll, feast-o-crats etc. we could instead have 
positions such as security, and public liason (someone to answer 
questions)...maybe even have some of the more brave people be presentators 
who could walk groups around and talk about the things we do.  Then we could 
advertise it in the local papers to invite people to come out and see what 
we do.

I know that making our own demos would cost money but maybe we can see if we 
can get work somme way to get places to donate their sites or work deals 
with them or other ways to defray cost (maybe have silent auctions at other 
events to raise money to host a demo).

These are just ideas.  But that was my two cents on it.  I think we should 
look into doing at least one demo a year for the public (see adults and 
children...not just children) to try to recruit more people into the SCA.

-Lady Delphina the Mad
House Fallen From Grace

-Remember, no matter where you go...there you are!-

>From: "james barker" <flonzy at hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
>To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
>Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Something We talking about at a New Comers 
>Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 11:03:21 -0400
>Sir Guy and Master Kevin
>Currently looking for demos in the weekend section is something I don't do,
>I reply to folks who submit requests for demos, cub scouts, boy scouts,
>libraries, and schools. I think it is a great idea to look for 
>but I truthfully am a bad person for the searching end of things but I am
>more than willing to work with someone good at finding such opportunities
>coordinate with the event organizers.
>I know the city of Alexandria holds parades from time to time we could 
>in, all a group has to do is apply and have insurance.
>I have a contact in the Fairfax county library system, we are on schedule 
>do 2 Sunday demos in July (I will post more soon) for their summer reading
>program. One is at Reston library and one is at Pohick library in Burke. I
>know Pohick has a large outdoor area with sports fields; but they are all 
>one open piece of land unlike the library we hold practice at, plus its is
>in view of a major road way. I have been kicking around the idea of asking
>to be able to run a full demo outside at the same time as the one for the
>kids. Even if they say no for those days we might be able to get permission
>for such demos at a later date. Also if we get such permission maybe we
>should contact the paper to see if we can get in the weekend section again.
>I personally don't recall us, Ponte Alto, doing a recruitment demo in the
>last 4 years since I joined the SCA full time. Last one I recall hearing of
>was held in DC on the mall by Storvik.
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: Kevin of Thornbury <Kevin at Maxson.com>
>Reply-To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
>To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
>Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Something We talking about at a New
>Comers	meeting.
>Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:00:29 -0400
>Quoting guylestran at aol.com:
>  > At a new comers meeting we spoke about attracting new folks and
>  > looking for events to do this.
>Sir Guy, and members of Ponte Alto, good morning.
>You bring up a noteworthy point, that Ponte Alto has been sorely
>lacking in recruitment demos for a long time now.  We do seem to fill
>the need for school and educational demos when necessary.
>Countess Denise organized a demo at Northern Virginia Community
>College recently, and from the reports I heard, it was fantastic.  Is
>it possible to continue this activity?  Denise would be the best to
>answer that.
>Years ago, we did demos at the Fairfax Fair until we got squeezed out
>and eventually not invited anymore.  I think that was just the nature
>of business, and the fact that we didn't pay for our space.  I also
>recall a Fairfax City/GMU Fall for the Book demo we did that seemed
>very successful.  Unfortunately, we haven't heard from them since
>I imagine that combing through newspapers and/or the Internet for demo
>opportunities - as Sir Guy suggests - would require lots of
>organization.  We obviously can't show up and do our thing
>unannounced.  (Some of the more veteran members of the barony may
>recall the local reaction when one of our fighters decided to do pell
>work/exercises by himself in a neighborhood park some years ago.)
>This is not to say the opportunities aren't out there, but I'm
>guessing finding them and making cold calls takes a lot of time.  If
>Lord James is doing this, that's terrific.  However, it's certainly
>not an expectation of his job to do so.  If he's motivated to start,
>I'm certain there are those in the barony willing to help with
>direction from our chatelaine/seneschal's office.
>    +    Kevin of Thornbury, OP
>+++  (Kevin Maxson)
>    |    Kevin at Maxson.com
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