[Ponte Alto] caption contest

Dave Aronson ponteAlto2dave at davearonson.com
Mon Jan 30 15:32:47 PST 2006

Lady Courtney de Houghton <courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com> wrote:

 > Welllllllllll....... that's an interesting question.  As we got a
 > total of zip, zero, nada, nothing, 0, zilch in the way of responses
 > last month,

I sent several to connorsinclair AT yahoo.com, as directed in Il Tempo.  
(Yes, I do mean the usual spamicide substitution, just as in Il Tempo, 
not literally as shown above.)  I never got a bounce note, so I can only 
ass-u-me it got through.  Perhaps there was some problem retrieving 
email from that ID?  Perhaps an overzealous spam filter?  I still have 
my copy, if you'd like to just declare me the winner.  :-)

Simon des Beaux Eaux

Dave Aronson
Work: http://www.davearonson.com/
Play: http://www.davearonson.net/

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