[Ponte Alto] Feast Menu for Tournament of Love and Beauty, Feb 18, 2006 in Leesburg, VA

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 16 05:41:35 PST 2006

Good folks...
  For those of you who have been keeping our Tournament of Love and Beauty Reservationist busy with feast reservations, gaze with wonder at the culinary delights awaiting you.  I sincerely hope this wonderful menu will tempt all others to come early to site in hopes of securing some of the remaining feast seats!
  Meistr Gruffudd is concocting a feast worthy of 15th century gentlefolk and nobility alike!
  First Course
Pies of Paris (Pork and Veal pies)
Lumbard Stew  (A braised beef stew with almonds and onions)
Peas cooked in wine

Second Course
Chiken Enyroned (Roast Chicken with a egg glaze)
Roasted Carrots
Spinach and Currants

Third Course
Pears in Syrup

  In service, 
  Lady Courtney de Houghton

Lady Courtney de Houghton 
Atlantian Clerk of Law
Barony of Ponte Alto Chronicler
St. Anne's Clothiers Guild Webminister
Barony of Ponte Alto Deputy Webminister
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA

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