[Ponte Alto] Looking for a sword merchant

Greg Korns gregkorns at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 14 06:41:52 PDT 2006

As I understand it badge blades took over the highland
steele company.  http://www.badgerblades.com/ 

Highland Steele did have really really nice swords...

--- Abel Brem of Regnesfolc <abelofregnesfolc at aol.com>


Waaaaaaaayback,when Pennsic rocks were soft there was
a sword merchant called HighlandSteele who would
display his wares by cutting into cinderblocks
andpunching his swords through breastplates. He was
mostly clad in aleather loincloth, and was just a cool
guy.  Alas he (fromwhat I heard) passed on, but his
apprentice has continued and renamedthe shop-- to
somthing that I cannot remember! Well time has come
andanother good friend wants a really cool sword- I
want to connect myfriend to this line of outstanding
swordsmiths. Does anybody rememberthe merchant name? I
remember he operated out of a large black and redtent.


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