[Ponte Alto] [storvik] Looking for a sword merchant

David Hsu dave at mur.com
Fri Apr 14 09:38:10 PDT 2006

"Abel Brem of Regnesfolc" writes:
>Waaaaaaaay back,
>when Pennsic rocks were soft there was a sword merchant called Highland
>Steele ...
>leather loincloth, and was just a cool guy.  Alas he (from
>what I heard) passed on, but his apprentice has continued and renamed
>the shop-- to somthing that I cannot remember!

Alas, poor Highland.  Undecorated, yet so tough, and such great feel in
the hand.  Love the distal taper blade I bought from them.

Per Google cache of http://homepages.ius.edu/ADRIAN/swords

  "(Note: Jim Byrd e-mailed me and let me know what happended to
   Highland Steele. Since people keep asking where they went I figured I
   should post it here. Co-owner Mike Foster passed away last year. His
   partner Shane Madden, sold his part of the business to Badger Blades.
   My condolences to Mr. Foster's family. Badger Blades
   (http://www.badgerblades.com/) seem to produce the same kind of
   quality work. If you want a good beater go to them.)"


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