[Ponte Alto] Next Months Meeting...

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 28 07:27:45 PDT 2006

Greetings Ponte Alto and Kevin,
  If my intent was not understood let me make it clear. I think Katherine will make an excellent Seneschal. She has the organization skills that I do not. She's dealt with large scale fund raising for the SCA, and many other aspects of the SCA that having a household member as Queen demands. And she survived these things. 
  My worry, and the reason I'm holding my breath, is that no transition of power ever goes without a hitch. I'm expecting something to happen that puts a damper on things. Pessimistic? Yes. But that is the way I am. My worry has nothing to do with Katherine per say, but everything to do with some unexpected snag popping up that will make stepping down worrisome in some way. I am two months away from handing reigns over to Katherine, and I don't think it's unheard of for something like lightening to strike, or a job in another company to pop up, or some life event to take the candidate out of the loop. These are things I don't expect to happen as Kat has a good job, a place to live and a husband and household to back her up. However, I'm still waiting for something to happen and that is merely my nature. 
  I apologies if this came off as a slight to Kat in any way. It was not meant as one. It was meant to express my worry to a friend in a private e-mail that mistakenly went out to the list. Now mind you, I did press reply, and I did cut and paste anges' e-mail address into the 'To' box, but weather it got added on to the end of the Ponte Alto address, or somehow I pressed copy instead of paste on my keyboard buttons when I put her name in the 'To' box or some other mystery of the technological age happened, I do not know. All I know is that it went out to the list by mistake, and I apologize for that.
  Lady Marie-Therese Normand
  Seneschal, Ponte Alto

Kevin of Thornbury <Kevin at Maxson.com> wrote:
  Quoting Mary Bowles :

> [...] And at the June meeting, which Katherine Deveruex will be 
> conducting. End of July is when she takes over the office of 
> Seneschal. Holding my breath everything goes okay.

I have every expectation that Katherine Devereaux will be a competent 
and effective seneschale.

+ Kevin of Thornbury, OP
+++ (Kevin Maxson)
| Kevin at Maxson.com
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