[Ponte Alto] Moving Sale - April 8, 10-2

Gary R. Halstead ghalstead at adelphia.net
Wed Apr 5 13:39:44 PDT 2006

As promised, here's a more complete listing of what we have available 
and directions to the house.

We're moving!  (Just down the road - you won't be rid of us that easily)
We have tons of "stuff"
Help us get rid of some of it (pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease) or just 
come and schmooze.

Date: 	Saturday April 8th, 10-2.
Place:	20016 Forest Farm Lane
	Ashburn, VA

Camping gear
	Propane water heater (shower size)
	Modern camp cooking gear
	Portable holes
	Tiki torches
Heavy Fighting Equipment
	Assorted staves of rattan
	Two shields
	Assorted armor pieces
Books & Music
	Assorted SF, Mysteries, and general medievalish books
	Assorted videos and cassette tapes
	Video holders
Computer stuff
	Two 19" monitors
	Two cases
	Assorted bits of computer hardware (power supplies, speakers,
	video card, etc.)
Chest we bought at Pennsic
Sofabed (Free!)
15+ years of assorted SCA "stuff"

The following will be for sale when we move (August/September)
Small Drill Press
Router Table
12" Bandsaw


Take your best route to VA Route 28.  From Route 28 proceed south (from 
Rt. 7) or north (from Rt. 50 or I-66) to the Waxpool Rd. (Rt. 625) 
Take Waxpool Rd. west.
Continue straight onto Farmwell Rd. (Rt. 640)
Go about 1.3 miles and turn right at the light onto Ashburn Village Blvd.
Go about 1.7 miles and turn left at the light onto Gloucester Pkwy.
Go about 1.5 miles and turn left onto Alexandra's Grove Drive
The first right is Forest Farm Lane
We're the first house on the right.

Call us if you get lost (703-723-8632)

Ranulf & Caitlyn

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