[Ponte Alto] Chalice Thanks

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Mon Sep 19 13:02:00 PDT 2005

Greetings O Noble Populace of Ponte Alto!

I am so deeply indebted to all of you for making Chalice II a success.
While there were no tornadoes, no hurricanes to impede us, people still
stepped up to the plate and showed great heroism in tackling the many labors
of this event -- from the fighting fields to the A & S halls to the Feast
Hall to the parking lot, people showed remarkable willingness to offer
assistance, even at the last minute or under great hardship to themselves.
I thank you all.

I want to particularly thank my "legs" for the event, Lady Siobahn, who
enabled me to be both a mom and an autocrat.  Thank you, good lady.

I also want to thank the good gentles who were so kind in assisting me with
my ring problem -- Galileo, Sir Justus, and Olaf and the many gentles who
took care of me were both resourceful and compassionate.  Thank you.  My
finger is much better now, and the rings are easily repaired.

Alas, there is some bad news in all of this.... I will be searching for
another su-- *ahem* VOLUNTEER to autocrat the event next year.  We've
started a noble tradition here, folks.  It would be sad not to see it

Many thanks,

Luce Antony Venus
Autocrat, Chalice II

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