[Ponte Alto] DoR

Cindy Halstead chalstead3 at adelphia.net
Thu Nov 17 06:45:06 PST 2005

It's too bad we can't quite recreate the fox hunts, but we'd have to import 
Boroghul back from Trimaris to be the fox. ;-)

Unless someone else fast wants to volunteer, which could make things very 
entertaining - although I'm not convinced Kevin would agree to be the fox's 
jumping point again. :-)


At 09:50 PM 11/16/2005, you wrote:
.I think that might be an idea!
>We used to have baronial fox hunts at pennsic. (They were 
>hysterical!)  Perhaps a day of “hunting” with contests around the skill of 
>our “falcons” and other birds of prey?  J
>From: ponte-alto-bounces at atlantia.sca.org 
>[mailto:ponte-alto-bounces at atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of Saethryth Farsight
>Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:02 PM
>To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
>Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] DoR
>What about facing falcons?  We could use paper airplanes or balsa 
>wood.  That would be a distance, not speed, though.
>Pinewood Chariot races, using the cub scouts pinewood derby tracks!
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