[Ponte Alto] Court Report for A Day at the Races, Nov 12, 2005

Melanie / Millicent melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 19:26:32 PST 2005

Greetings from Lady Millicent Chander unto the populace of Ponte Alto!

Here follows the report from the Court of Their Excellencies of Ponte
Alto during A Day at the Races: Race to the New World on November 12,

Lady Delphina the Mad stepped up as Baronial Minister of the Lists.

Lady Celia of Rosedale was summoned before Their Excellencies and
announced His Excellency Baron Marcellus as the winner of the chess

Signora Cassandra Arabella Giordani was summoned before Their
Excellencies to announce winners of the boat races:
1) Sir Aelfred of Cres won the adults' races,
2) Annie won the children's races,
3) Myghell O'Kelly won the prize for most period-looking ship,
4) Cade won the prize for the most "entertaining" ship.

Lady Katherina Von Bayern was bestowed with the Ponte d'Oro for her
service as the Baronial Chamberlain and Official Schlepper of Baronial

Lady Celia of Rosedale was bestowed the Bead of Ponte Alto for her
fine job in autocrating the event.

Their Excellencies asked the event staff to stand and be recognized.

This being done, Their Excellencies closed Their Court.

Lady Millicent Chandler

Melanie Cozad                 melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
~ Lady Millicent Chandler (formerly Melissent d'Artois) ~
                ~ Chancellor of the Exchequer ~
        ~ Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia ~

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