[Ponte Alto] WMA and the SCA

Sigrune at aol.com Sigrune at aol.com
Wed May 4 08:31:07 PDT 2005

In a message dated 5/4/2005 10:42:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Charlotte Johnson <mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com> writes:

>It may sound like sour grapes. It may sound like a case 
>of "fine, I'm taking my toys and playing elsewhere". But
>they've already *tried*. Look at what Scott is trying to do
> - he's trying to enhance the study and reputation of the
>SCA, giving of his own time, something that he doesn't have
>to do. And when roadblocks are thrown up at every turn, when
>there needs to be a form or a waiver signed for everything, 
>because somehow it *sounds* like it might need it, I can't >blame somebody for taking their toys away. And frankly, I 
>(and others) think they're some of the coolest toys around.

I agree, it is unfortuneate that the rules currently put it under the perview of the KEM, and that the Earl Marshallate has specific requirements that can make it a hassle to pull off.  However with the exception of getting a waiver from the KEM, or meeting the current requirements, it would have to be done outside the SCA (aka as a different group).  Going forward there should be much discussion as to clarifying the rules, and getting the BoD to pass a working provision for A&S; but mainly what has to be accomplished for *THIS* demo ot happen needs to be done instead of lawyering the rules.  In the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "GET'ER DONE!"

-Takeda Sanjuichiro Akimasa

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