[Ponte Alto] Demos...

Cindy Halstead chalstead3 at adelphia.net
Mon May 2 10:06:56 PDT 2005

The issue at hand is about combat activities at demonstrations and what can 
be done under SCA auspices and pursuant to SCA demo rules.   Talking at 
demos about historical events or answering questions raised by anyone there 
is certainly completely within the mandate of the SCA, and should not be in 

Since there are concerns being raised at the Kingdom level about activities 
proposed for a demo, the specific details of the proposed activities should 
be presented to Marie-Therese so that she can further clarify the situation 
for Dame Anne and the other officers involved.  If it turns out that the 
information they have is incorrect or incomplete, then there is nothing to 
worry about once everything is explained.  If it also turns out that the 
current demo policy doesn't allow for demonstrations of fighting technique 
as have been described, I don't personally see any reason why it can't be 
modified if the Earl Marshal and/or Chatelaine are in agreement.  It's 
ultimately their policies.  It will also depend on exactly what is being 
suggested.  Slow work between two warranted fighters, whether in armor or 
not? Quite possibly.  Anything involving contact with the public other than 
the approved whack-a-knight option? Almost certainly not - there are too 
many liability possibilities.

Remember, these people are not trying to mess up your fun. They are trying 
to make sure that the SCA doesn't get into trouble for doing something that 
is against its own rules.  Right now, the information the Great Officers 
are working with suggests that the activities are against the rules.

Purely in an unofficial capacity, and not speaking for the Senechallate

At 12:00 PM 5/2/2005, you wrote:
>See, now I have a problem with this.  Is the "educational"
>part of the SCA in educating *about the SCA*, or about
>educating about the Middle Ages?
>This message says "we demonstrate SCA".  Does this mean
>that in our talks we should not mention that there was this
>little sickness going around Europe?  Does this also mean
>that we shouldn't talk about these little spats that
>happened between different religious beliefs?
>When a child asks me a question about something she read in
>her textbook, do I answer, "We have no popes in the SCA,
>let alone two of them"?
>And does this also mean that I can't bring out a wooden
>waster (practice sword) and show some of the arm movements
>that a (documented) man-at-arms would have made in combat?
>I think this is good stuff for discussion.
>+ Kevin of Thornbury, OP
>---- Original message ----
> >From the baronial seneschale:
> >   SCA is SCA...if it is an SCA activity (and demos
> >   are) then we
> >   demonstrate SCA and NOT nonSCA activities.
> >   Whether or not someone comes in
> >   contact with the swords is irrelevant.
> >   Okay that about covers it. Keep this in mind when
> >   planning your Demo's.
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