[Ponte Alto] Demos...

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 09:15:53 PDT 2005

Hi All, 
For right now, as I wade through stacks of e-mails and piles of suggestions-- the day after my happy vacation-- I am not discussing anything. The powers that be made a call. If discussion is needed, it is on a Kingdom level. I would suggest that the peerage represent this idea to their equals. :) Hmmm Master Kevin any ideas? :)
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto
P.S. - give me a few days and then I'll be able to discuss this coherently. For now SCA Demo's demonstrate SCA stuff/activities/A&S/ etc.

Kevin Maxson <Kevin at Maxson.com> wrote:

See, now I have a problem with this. Is the "educational" 
part of the SCA in educating *about the SCA*, or about 
educating about the Middle Ages?

This message says "we demonstrate SCA". Does this mean 
that in our talks we should not mention that there was this 
little sickness going around Europe? Does this also mean 
that we shouldn't talk about these little spats that 
happened between different religious beliefs?

When a child asks me a question about something she read in 
her textbook, do I answer, "We have no popes in the SCA, 
let alone two of them"?

And does this also mean that I can't bring out a wooden 
waster (practice sword) and show some of the arm movements 
that a (documented) man-at-arms would have made in combat?

I think this is good stuff for discussion.

+ Kevin of Thornbury, OP

---- Original message ----
>From the baronial seneschale:

> SCA is SCA...if it is an SCA activity (and demos
> are) then we
> demonstrate SCA and NOT nonSCA activities. 
> Whether or not someone comes in
> contact with the swords is irrelevant.
> Okay that about covers it. Keep this in mind when
> planning your Demo's.

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