[Ponte Alto] Fwd: RE: Demo and Marshal Activities (Ponte Alto)

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Wed May 4 06:24:05 PDT 2005

This was meant to go to Marsali. Please delete everyone accept Marsali.

Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com> wrote:
When you know who is going to participate and what they are going to do, you might want to inform the school just in case they have any objections we need to work out. Just a thought.

Marsaili Johnston <ladymarsaili at yahoo.com> wrote:
Belly dancing with a sword on one's head may not be a marshal activity, but it can be a blood-sport! <G>  Remind me to show the (little teeny!) scar on my wrist wear I cut myself in a performance and bled all over the stage.....
Imp of the Perverse

Melanie Cozad <melaniesuzanne at gmail.com> wrote:
I appreciate your thoughtful response, Master Kevin.

The imp in me wonders, though, if belly dancing with a sword on one's
head is then considered a marshal activity. *grin*

On 5/3/05, Kevin Maxson wrote:
> That's a fantastic question.
> I've some experience in the marshallate, so I'm going to
> wager that "martial activity" in the SCA is anything having
> to do with an object that is made to be used as, or to
> resemble, a medieval weapon.
> My reason for this philosophy is that if one goes to an SCA-
> sanctioned fighter practice, one must sign a waiver even if
> all you're there to do is to hit a pell.
> It's clear to me from reading Jarl Timoch's response that
> the Earl Marshall intends for these questions to be
> answered by Lord Duncan, our Bar onial Knight Marshal using
> whatever means he needs to arrive at the official answers.
> +
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 15:52:55 -0400
> >From: Melanie Cozad 
> >Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Fwd: RE: Demo and Marshal
> Activities (Ponte Alto)
> >To: The Barony of Ponte Alto 

> >
> >Question for TPTB:
> >
> >Is it a marshal activity if there is one person involved?
> One person
> >who is showing an audience stances and sword positions? Is
> it the
> >sword, even when not pointed at or thwacking someone,
> which makes this
> >a marshal activity?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Melissent

Melanie Cozad
Lady Melissent d'Artois [Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA]
Milicent Chapman [Lord Grey's Ret inue, 15th C. Living History]
melaniesuzanne at gmail.com

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Lady Marsaili Johnston 
Baronial Artisan
Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia

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