[Ponte Alto] Fwd: RE: Demo and Marshal Activities (Ponte Alto)
james barker
flonzy at hotmail.com
Tue May 3 08:51:55 PDT 2005
I do have one question with all of this. Does demoing Fiore fall under the
marshal at all? It is not one of the SCAs marshal sports/combat styles.
Being a researched thing would it not fall under A&S then forgoing the need
for waiver? That was Scotts original question and mine still.
If nothing else this will cleat up the issue for the future :D
----Original Message Follows----
From: Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com>
Reply-To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Fwd: RE: Demo and Marshal Activities (Ponte Alto)
Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 08:20:30 -0700 (PDT)
Greetings Ponte Alto,
I seemed to have misinterpreted what was conveyed to me. The Marshal
Activities at Demo is not forbidden. The way in which it was handled in
conveying information to Kingdom is where our troubles came in. Marshal
activity for Demo's is outlined in the Marshal's handbook. I've attached the
reply I received from Jarl Timoch below, when I requested we be able to do
Scott Cozad's demonstration. So that everyone will understand there is a
method for applying to the SCA to do Marshal DEMO's and how to go about it.
I am also encouarageing Scott to try doing the Fieor (sp) demonstration at
the June Demo because his efforts are appreciated, and because it's an
interesting form of Marshal Art.
Any questions?
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto
"Prickett, Timothy" <tim.prickett at us.army.mil> wrote:
From: "Prickett, Timothy" <tim.prickett at us.army.mil>
To: Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com>
CC: DuncanCooper at earthlink.net, Master Roland <rmorgens at mitre.org>
Subject: RE: Demo and Marshal Activities (Ponte Alto)
Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 10:56:34 -0400
Hello Lady Maria,
I have CC'd Lord Duncan and Master Roland on this, to help expedite as
needed. To answer your question specifically, I do not speak FOR the
kingdom Seneschal. Whatever she said goes. She did ask me. If this is an
SCA demo then no martial activities may occur outside of what the SCA
allows. Your local marshal should be able to show you the rules that
specifically cover this. If this is an SCA demo which includes marshallate
covered activities, then the usual drill for cards and waivers must be
adhered to. Those are the (briefly summed up) rules. I could not download
your pictures, so I cannot comment further.
Your first, best point of contact is your local marshal. This is the
information I currently have on:
Knight Marshal
Barony of Ponte Alto
Mem Expires: 12/31/2005
Cooper, Duncan L.(Duncan McClay)
1819 Olmstead Drive, Falls Church, VA 22043
Tel: 703-903-8876, email: DuncanCooper at earthlink.net
I applaud Scott Cozad for taking the time and energy to try to do a good
show for the kids. I hope he can work within the rules, with the Baronial
Knight's Marshal to make your demo a success. If your marshal needs my help
or advice, he should know that he can call me or Master Roland and ask.
I hope this helps,
Jarl Timoch
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Bowles [mailto:mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:59 AM
To: earlmarshal at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Demo and Marshal Activities (Ponte Alto)
Greetings Jarl Timoch Haakonson (Tim Prickett),
Recently one of my Barony (Ponte Alto), Scott Cozad, contacted the Kingdom
Waiver Secretary to see if he would need waivers to do a Marshal
Demonstration at a Demo. Ann was informed and it sent off a red light in her
mind. She contacted you and the Kingdom Chatalaine. The outcome of these
communications was that Ponte Alto/SCA could not sponsor a demo with Marshal
Activity that was not an SCA approved Marshal Activity. I hope I've got this
right. Please correct me if I haven't.
The style of Demo Scott Cozad would like to give in June is one he's done
before with a living history group. Below I've attached his idea as he
conveyed it to the Ponte Alto list, because I think it is a good idea. I ask
that you reveiw it and either approve or deny the idea. The thought of not
having some sort of Marshal demostration at demo's has kicked up an e-mail
flurry on my Barony's list. They want it. They think it a integral part of
showing and educating the public about the middle ages. Care will be taken
in these demo's and children will not come into hazard. Any questions please
feel free to contact me, and I will get the experts on this subject in
contact with you as soon as possible.
Thank you for you time and effort in giving this a review.
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto
>From Scott Cozad to the Ponte Alto List (ullrmadr at yahoo.com)
It was my request for clarification that started this
so I feel I should say something publicly.
What I wanted to do was demonstrate historical combat
techniques with the longsword. I had planned on doing
this with slow work. By that I mean slow and
controlled movements with the wasters. I have been
studying these techniques for several years and have
done the kind of demo I will outline with living
history groups that I am involved with.
The idea is to show what historical combat looked like
and not what you see in movies. I was going to do
this with wooden wasters and work with my demo partner
beforehand. I chose the longsword because it is an
impressive weapon and it is easier to see what is
being done even at a distance.
I have pictures from an event that I did a few weeks
ago at home. It is very similar to what I had hoped
to achieve with the SCA school demos.&nb sp; I will put
those pictures online when I get home tonight.
My intention in asking about doing this demo was not
to stir up a storm. I wanted to dot all my "t's" and
cross my "I's". I am saddened by the decision not to
be allowed to do this demo.
Scott Cozad
Edward de Clare in the SCA.
And an addendem to my last post. All of what I
planned was going to be out of range of the childern.
The space available would dictate the distance and if
there was not sufficient space the demo would be
altered or scrapped.
Also I do not allow childern to handle weapons of any
sort. This is a longstanding policy of many of the
living history groups I am part of.
Scott Cozad
Edward de Clare in the SCA
I have uploaded images taken a few weeks ago at a
living history timeline event. This is what I was
trying to arrange to do.
The images are not in any order but I think this shows
pretty much what I had hoped to achive. Some of the
images show us using single handed swords and I said I
had planned to use only longswords in my demo. I
included these to better show more of what I had hoped
to show.
Here is the url
If you have any questions on what you are seeing
please let me know.
Scott Cozad
Edward de Clare in the SCA
Edward the pell in La Belle Company :-)
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