FW: [Ponte Alto] Fundraising

Robert Capozello afpopa at cox.net
Mon Mar 28 19:40:04 PST 2005

> That said, my problem with the fundraising has *nothing* to 
> do with the ADA contributions or the barony's role therein.  
> I believe that action was good, just and a proper use of funds.
> However, raising funds for the Kingdom Travel Fund is a whole 
> different issue.
> It was ill-advised and, I believe in exceedingly poor taste, 
> to piggyback a fundraiser off of Gyrth's memory.  I find that 
> horribly offensive.

Sir Andrew:

Ponte Alto has a long tradition of raising money via fund raisers at our
events - be they silent auctions, donation jars, what have you.  If you
will remember, we collected a not insignificant sum at our Day at the
Races event to be used towards the purchase of flowers for Duke Gyrth.

It was never anyone's intent to "piggyback" another fundraiser off of
the memory of Duke Gyrth.  Both of these fund raisers were done with the
intent to benefit causes near and dear to the hearts of the members of
this Barony.  

While I cannot say that I was close to Duke Gyrth, I did know him and
was greatly moved by the nobility, generosity of spirit, and joy that he
brought to our game.  It was to honor memories like these that the
Barony decided to rename this event in his honor, and make the donation
we did.

The members of this Barony are also very proud to have one of our own
serving Atlantia as Princess, and soon Queen.  We merely wished to show
our support for Denise and Robert's efforts in that regard by assisting
in defraying the costs associated with the extensive travel required.
Ponte Alto will hold no events while Denise sits the throne of Atlantia.
We were not able to hold a fund raiser at Performers and Dance Symposium
as originally intended.  Bloodbath was our last chance as a Barony to
show our support in such a way.  If you find offense in the people of
this Barony wanting to support our monarchs, then I am truly sorry.
None was intended.  If you wish to ascribe subversive motives to the
generosity of our populace, then I really don't think you know the
people of this Barony as well as you should.

-- Baron Marcellus

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