[Ponte Alto] Need info for fighting.

Marsaili Johnston ladymarsaili at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 23 05:40:18 PDT 2005

Isaac --
I'm attaching following information from the Ponte Alto website:

Thursday night Heavy Weapons Practice moves outdoors to Tyson's Pimmit Park (weather permitting) starting June 30, 2005 due to the closure of the schools for the summer. The site is the same as the outdoor Sunday practices. For more information, please contact the Baronial Knight Marshal. 
I know that there is loaner gear available to get friend started as well and I'm sure that you will have lots of suggestions for where to get kitted up from the people at the practices.

Isaac <s_selezen at yahoo.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I know I haven't been around for quite some time but I do really want to 
get back out and play again. I've been so overwhelmingly busy that I 
haven't been able to spare a single Sunday in about 2 years. But all 
this is about to change. Since I'm still booked for the next 2 Sundays, 
could someone please give me info on the Thursday night practice? 
Additionally, a friend of mine is intent on authorizing and fighting at 
Pennsic. He's never fought before so I need some leads on local 
armourers that can get him into a well fitted kit. Both of us will be 
fighting with the Barony at Pennsic, so I guess we best get out and 
start drilling with everyone. See you all again soon.


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Lady Marsaili Johnston 
Baronial Artisan
Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia

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