[Ponte Alto] Reminder: Financial policy changes are in effect

Melanie Cozad melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 09:51:56 PDT 2005

To the most wondrous populace of Ponte Alto:

Please allow me to remind everyone to bring their membership cards to
this Sunday's business meeting so they may vote upon financial matters
(which, for this meeting, will include the budget for "Chalice of the
Sun God").

Our financial committee consists of all paid members of the SCA who
attend the Ponte Alto baronial business meeting. The paid members
shall be the ones who vote upon financial matters. The Chronicler
shall verify membership. As such, if you are a paid member who desires
to vote upon financial matters at future business meetings, you MUST
bring your membership card to meetings.

Both blue cards and white cards are valid.

Feel free to contact me if there are questions about the new policies
which were published in the June "Il Tempo".

In service,

Lady Millicent Chandler

Melanie Cozad
Millicent Chandler (formerly Melissent d'Artois)
~ Chancellor of the Exchequer, Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia
~ Lord Grey's Retinue, 15th C. Living History
melaniesuzanne at gmail.com

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