[Ponte Alto] All Things 15th Century Night: this Wednesday June 15, Reston, VA

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 13 11:26:57 PDT 2005

Greetings to all...
June's All Things 15th Century Night was originally scheduled to be a field trip to a Baltimore museum, however, those plans had to change.  Therefore, we are meeting as usual on the third wednesday of the month, on June 15th, in Reston, VA.
The topic is:  Open Sewing Night/Pattern Workshop
Our book and pattern libraries will be open to everyone. In addition, we will throw in a movie or two, depending on people's choice.  In keeping with the 15th century theme, it is likely to be Henry V, Richard III, or Mad Love (I know, very late period, but the early part of the movie applies!).
Bring any projects that you are working on!  Doors open at 6, light munchies might make an appearance! Please e-mail for directions.
Lady Courtney de Houghton

Lady Courtney de Houghton 
Acting Atlantian Clerk of Law
Chronicler, Barony of Ponte Alto
Assistant Webminister, Barony of Ponte Alto 
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA

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