[Ponte Alto] Newcomer Meeting - 21 June at 7PM

afpopa at cox.net afpopa at cox.net
Mon Jun 13 10:09:44 PDT 2005

Greetings everyone!

Just a reminder that the June Newcomers Meeting will be held at our house this coming Tueday, 21 June, starting at 7PM.

3400 Sherwood Court
Falls Church VA 22042

703-625-3883 or 703-975-9146

1. Take your best route to the Gallows Road exit off of the Beltway (I-495) in Northern VA.  If you are coming from the north (outer loop), you will turn LEFT on Gallows Road.  If you are coming from the south (inner loop), you will turn right on Gallows Road.

2.  You will pass the Holmes Run Pool on your left, and a large red church sign on your right.  Just past the church sign, you will make a LEFT on Surrey Lane.

3.  Follow Surrey Lane back into our development.  After a short distance, it will curve sharply uphill and to the left.  At the top of this rise will be Sherwood Court, on your LEFT.

4.  3400 Sherwood Court is the first house on the right (we will have the Baronial Banner in front of the large pine tree).  Please do not park on the right hand side of Sherwood Court, as you will block the driveway for our neighbors on the opposite side of the street.  There is plenty of parking in the cul-de-sac and on Surrey Lane.

Hope to see many of you there!

Yours in Service

Baron Marcellus

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