[Ponte Alto] Ordo Virtutum Dates, details, etc!

ewilmore ewilmore at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 2 13:20:01 PDT 2005

Hello all!
Thank you SO much for the response.  I have not settled on the scene I want to do from the work yet but will have it decided, hopefully, by tomorrow morning.  Until then, in general regardless of which scene I do, ideally (and this is rather ambitious) I would need about 18 women, and 2-3 men.  One of the men's part is spoken only, and the other two, should they be included, are silent but visible.  Here is the list of characters:
Anima (the soul)
The Virtues...
Humility, Queen of Virtues
Knowledge of God
Contempt of the World

Fear of God
Heavenly Love
Each of the women's parts has a solo line and then sings together with the ensemble.  The four I have set apart above are the ones I see as slightly stronger character/acting parts (and interpret that loosely, lol, this isn't the Shakespeare Theatre! hehe)
Devil (spoken)
Mundus or World
The actual performance date has not yet been determined, but it will be on one of these days:  June 20, 21 or 22, and the class meets from 4:30-6:35pm (does not meet on Friday.)  You can choose to stay the whole class or just long enough to perform.  My suggestion would be to be available from the beginning to end to be on the safe side.  
As for rehearsal time, what I can do to speed this is up is give everyone a copy of a tape of the music, as well as the written lines and other info to look over (so if you can read a line of music that is helpful! :D)  Based on your availability, we would decide on several weekday evening or weekend days to do blocking and rehearse the work.  If you have the time to learn the music on your own, that will be MOST helpful since, as you can see, this is a summer class and thus crams a whole semester into about 4 weeks! LOL
Again, somewhat ambitious, but on the other hand, I knew this was the right group to tap because this is what so many of us love!!!  I hope you can help me out!  Thanks SO much!  My contact information is below, if you can get back to me about those dates and if you have any further questions.  A schedule or list of conflicts also would be very helpful, that way I can prepare a rehearsal schedule for your perusal.  I would, however, need a firm committment on the dates even if people have to make adjustments on the rehearsal schedule once it's decided.  Once again, thanks so much!
Damiane (I'll respond to people in private from here on...thanks for your patience!)

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