[Ponte Alto] Congratulations to Jeff and Charlotte!

Denise Nelson denisen at ftml.net
Mon Jul 4 16:33:04 PDT 2005

Passing along....

Henry Arthur Johnson was born 11:10 AM, Alexandria Hospital, weighing in 
at a hefty (for a 37-weeker) 7 Pounds, 5 Ounces, and he's 18.5 inches 
long. At the moment, he's in the NICU, because his little lungs aren't 
quite ready, yet. This sort of thing is common when they are 3 weeks 
early, and he seems to be doing quite well. He's got my nose and mouth 
(poor kid), Char's ears, and quite a lot of reddish-brown hair. Pics to 
be posted eventually, when we get the camera/computer cord from the 
living room table. :oops:

Charlotte is a bit achy, and groggy from the meds, but that too is to be 
expected. All she wants right now is for the 12 hours after the surgery 
to pass, so they'll led her visit the little pink brick again.

Feel free to spread the news!

Jeff, Charlotte & Henry Johnson

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