[Ponte Alto] What constitutes an A&S entry

W. Richmond Beevers dabeeve at verizon.net
Thu Jan 20 05:16:47 PST 2005

I imagine that a well-documented paper on the design or the tools would be probably be more appropos.  Period drawings, or perhaps photos of achaeological photos, would be great documentation.  If your intent is to actually have the tattoo done on your body at the event, I expect that you should run it by the autocrat and the Chirurgeon beforehand.

Your in Humble Service,

Wulfred (the mostly-new guy from Meridies)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Heather Muller 
  To: The Barony of Ponte Alto 
  Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 7:46 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] What constitutes an A&S entry

  The only thing I see that would be a wee bit sickening for people is if you are actually going to do it on yourself.  Plus hygiene; I would say, go for it if you are a perfessional tat artist.  Now, excuse me while I down my first cup of coffee.  I am not really awake yet.
  Heather of LochRaven

  Nicholas Wizorek <nicholaswiz at hotmail.com> wrote:
    What exactly constitutes an A&S entry at an event? I wanted to put my 
    knowledge of tattooing practices to the test by doing an experiment that I 
    have been wanting to conduct. This would be having a traditional tattoo 
    engraved on to my body by hand. I have dun research in to traditional 
    methods of tattooing and I was wondering if something like this might be 
    considered something that might make an interesting A&S entry. Tell me what 
    you think,

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