[Ponte Alto] What constitutes an A&S entry

Heather Muller aztecdagger at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 20 04:46:25 PST 2005

The only thing I see that would be a wee bit sickening for people is if you are actually going to do it on yourself.  Plus hygiene; I would say, go for it if you are a perfessional tat artist.  Now, excuse me while I down my first cup of coffee.  I am not really awake yet.
Heather of LochRaven

Nicholas Wizorek <nicholaswiz at hotmail.com> wrote:
What exactly constitutes an A&S entry at an event? I wanted to put my 
knowledge of tattooing practices to the test by doing an experiment that I 
have been wanting to conduct. This would be having a traditional tattoo 
engraved on to my body by hand. I have dun research in to traditional 
methods of tattooing and I was wondering if something like this might be 
considered something that might make an interesting A&S entry. Tell me what 
you think,

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