[Ponte Alto] Workshop Frenzy! The Well Dressed Late Medieval Woman

Craig Allen corun at medievalist.org
Tue Jan 11 08:16:32 PST 2005

Mathilde wrote:
>Quoting Belphoebe <belfebe at yahoo.com>:
>> We are, but now we will be even better!  (The Bestest
>> Dressed Barony?)
>That's the goal. Well, a best-dressed region is more like it. Actually, my goal
>is the entire known world. Why do you think I move so much?  ;-)
>We're going to have to work hard to keep up - probably about half of the folks
>who have expressed interest are from out of Barony. :-D

Greetings Mathilde and welcome. Fortunately Atlantia boasts one of the most course intensive, best attended and frequently run University curriculae in the Known World. And we love teachers. If you're already getting the Acorn then you've seen the course catalog for the Feb. 5 session. If not, you can check it out here;


to see what I mean.

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