[Ponte Alto] Fwd: Pennsic Land Agent Ad - DRAFT

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 6 07:06:29 PST 2005

Greetings Ponte Alto,
It's that time again. When the snows start to melt and our thoughts turn towards Pennsic War. Lady Perronelle la peintre, the Land Agent from this past year, brought up the subject of Volunteers for Land Agent at our last Baronial Meeting. She will unfortunately not be able to do it again. It is now time for me to start harrassing (cough) I mean begging people to Volunteers to help and become a Land Agent, Registra or Camp Steward. :) Read below and seriously consider helping out your Barony by becomeing one of the afore mentioned people.
Thanks in advance.
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

Irwin <dwatsonirwin at cox.net> wrote:

From: "Irwin" 
To: "Mary Bowles" 
Subject: Pennsic Land Agent Ad - DRAFT
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 13:51:28 -0500

..Just a reminder... There are only 211 days until Pennsic 34
We need a Land Agent for Pennsic this year. 
We spoke at the last Board Meeting about dividing the job up into 2 or 3 positions, Registrar, Camp Steward, and Land Agent.
The Registrar would handle all the details and correspondence regarding registering to camp with the Barony.
The Camp Steward would handle the running of the camp, assigning duties, maintaining the common area, firepit, and showers.

The Land Agent would secure the allotment of land, negotiate with our neighbors on the block, lay out the land assignments within the camp and be there to "guard" our land during the two weeks of Pennsic.
According to the Pennsic Handbook
Land Agent: Harbinger is a period term for this job. This is the person from each and every registered camping group who has agreed to be the person responsible for obtaining and saving land for their friends and fellow campers. There should only be one responsible person for each encampment. This person is responsible for being at Pennsic from Land Grab Day until the end of Pennsic. The Land Agents are the people whom Land Staff will contact if there are any problems. Because you are the Land Agent you cannot arrive at the site, negotiate the land, sign off on the map, set up your stuff, and then leave the site. You must be in residence for the entire Pennsic event. Make sure that you have enough survival gear to last you until the rest of your camp members arrive.
If you are at all able to be at Pennsic for the full two weeks, please consider volunteering. I know that the members of the Barony will do everything possible to support the Land Agent and help them in any way. Last year the Pennsic Committee did a lot to streamline the process and create a framework for future  Land Agents to work from.
I am available to answer any questions you may have about being Land Agent, Registrar or Camp Steward.
Lady Perronelle la peintre
mka Debbie Irwin

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