[Ponte Alto] Pennsic Ponte Alto Baronial -- Update

Irwin dwatsonirwin at cox.net
Mon Feb 7 15:24:23 PST 2005

Just a small correction. I ran the Baronial Encampment last year. Robert of 
Calais ran it in 2003 and Her Highness Denise ran it in 2002. We have 
however been there for set up the last four years.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Belphoebe" <belfebe at yahoo.com>
To: <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 12:56 PM
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Pennsic Ponte Alto Baronial -- Update

> Greetings to the populace,
> As you all know, Pennsic is rapidly approaching and
> the need for planning is becoming more pressing.  So
> far, we do have a Pennsic Committee comprised by Marie
> Therese, His Excellency Marcellus, Perronelle,
> William, Aernfrid, and myself.
> Our biggest challenge so far is the finding of a land
> agent, who would be attending Pennsic for the entire
> two weeks.
> The current situation is as follows:
> 1. Perronelle has run Ponte Alto Baronial for the past
> three years and is really burnt out with this.
> Moreover, she has health problems that tend to flare
> at Pennsic and we do not want to see her go to the
> hospital once more in the middle of it.  We like
> Perronelle, so if she is even remotely thinking of
> stepping up just because no one else does, we will put
> her stocks and throw tomatoes at her until she
> desists.
> 2. Same goes for William.
> 3. Miles, who had planned on doing it this year,
> cannot do it due to a scheduled stork arrival.  He has
> mentioned that he would like to run it *next* year, so
> at least we know that we will have a PA Baronial next
> Pennsic.
> 4. Mary would like to do it.  However, because she is
> self-employed, this would mean that she would have to
> go for a week without any income.  We do not want to
> have Mary go for a week with no income.
> 5. Marcellus and I considered doing it but have
> decided that we either comply with our B&B duties or
> we run Ponte Alto Baronial.  It would be hellish
> trying to do both, so we won't.
> 6. Most of the other people with prior Pennsic
> experience will be most likely assisting Denise at
> Atlantia Royal.  (As well they should.  We don't have
> a Queen in Ponte Alto every year!)
> At this point, the most important thing to consider is
> whether the populace wants a Ponte Alto Baronial
> encampment at all and, if so, if anyone is willing
> and/or able to take over as land agent.  Taking that
> into account, His Excellency and I are contemplating
> other options as a plan B.
> In that regard, we have contacted the neighboring
> Barony of Dun Carraig.  Their Excellencies Jonathas
> and Amalia, have told us that they would be happy to
> receive our Pontoons in their encampment.
> Dun Carraig will probably be having two encampments:
> Dun Carraig Baronial and Dun Carraig Highlands.  Of
> the two, the one that is for sure to happen is Dun
> Carraig Highlands -- where Their Excellencies are to
> be camping.
> The downside of DCH is that it is in the B lots.
> However, the B lots are great for people who would
> like to be close to the archery and fighting fields
> and who do not mind the walk that they will have to
> undertake to places such as the food court, market
> place, etc.  Her Excellency Amalia tells us that the
> transportation stop is in front of their encampment
> and that it is very reliable.  It is also a large lot
> with lots of trees - hence good shade - and very
> quiet.
> Dun Carraig Baronial, on the other hand, will be
> camping somewhere in the N lots and will be headed by
> Their Excellencies Phillip and Kiri.  I have spoken
> with them and they also agreed to take up our
> Pontoons.  The only problem is that it all depends on
> Phillip having the two weeks to become land agent -
> again, those pesky two weeks.  Should Phillip not have
> the two weeks, they are probably be "subletting" from
> Lochmere, meaning that they will have an encampment
> within an encampment.  These are things that we must
> take into consideration.
> We are also contacting Their Excellencies of Stierbach
> to find out whether or not they will have a Stierbach
> Baronial encampment.  "Subletting" from them is also
> another option, as it is "subletting" from Lochmere.
> His Excellency Aelfgar, from Lochmere, suggested to
> talk to their land agent on this regard.  That is also
> another possibility.
> Should Ponte Alto "sublet" from another Barony, we
> would not be accruing another year of seniority in N18
> (provided we got N18 in the first place).  At this
> point, the most important thing to do is to find out
> whether there will be a Ponte Alto Baronial or not and
> how many people would be planning on camping with the
> Barony, subletting or not.
> I will be firing another email with a survey on how
> many Pontoons would be camping with us this year.
> Yours in Service,
> Belphoebe
> =====
> -- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly 
> dressed.
> (From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
> House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569": 
> http://www.houseffg.org
> Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org
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