[Ponte Alto] Symposium update

Melanie Cozad melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 11:50:33 PST 2005

My Lady Allasan,

We have a rubbermaid container full of paper towels and another full
of toilet paper which were left over from Chalice.


On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 11:26:57 -0800 (PST), Erika Park <jedierika at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Greetings, Ponte Alto.
> Since last weekend's meeting didn't happen and I won't be able to make it to
> the rescheduled one, here's my update with a few questions that I need
> answers to.
> -Class schedule is set, instructors have just been checked in with again. 
> Students in the classes will receive University of Atlantia credit for the
> classes.
> -Troll is looking good for volunteers.  Melissent in charge.
> -Children's Corner is set to go from 1:30-4:30pm and there will be a
> children's theater class in the morning.  Siobhan in charge.
> -Newcomer's Point is set to go.  Marsaili in charge.
> -A&S is set to go.  Their Excellencies will choose their new Baronial
> Artisan.  Delphina in charge.
> -Sorry, no silent auction due to space constraints.  We will have a donation
> jar at troll for donations to the travel fund for Denise and Robert.
> -Performance schedule in the evening is being handled by Mistress Anne. 
> Their Excellencies will choose their new Baronial Bard.
> -Evening dancing is being coordinated by one of the dance instructors.
> -We're looking good for the hall set-up crew.  We'll need a few more people
> to help clean up in the kitchen after feast and help with general site clean
> up.  The cooks should not be stuck in the kitchen cleaning up after a
> wonderful feast!
> -A question about baronial supplies - Do we have extra baronial cleaning
> supplies somewhere?  Extra bathroom supplies?
> -I'm finalizing the event schedule and then will post it to the Merry Rose
> and finish up the handout for the event (once I get the site map from
> Mistress Anne).
> -I'll be contacting those who have volunteered and let them know when and
> where to be.
> Can anyone think of anything else obvious that I might have forgotten? 
> Please let me know off the list.  Thanks!
> Allasan
> Autocrat

Melanie Cozad
Lady Melissent d'Artois [SCA - Kingdom of Atlantia - Barony of Ponte Alto]
Milicent Chapman [Lord Grey's Retinue]
melaniesuzanne at gmail.com

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