[Ponte Alto] Symposium update

Irwin dwatsonirwin at cox.net
Fri Feb 4 11:44:17 PST 2005

Greetings Allasan,

We still have leftover cleaning supplies from Pennsic. I believe there is Lysol liquid cleaner, Lysol spray disinfectant, Liquid hand soap and Clorox wipes. I will have to go find the box in the garage to see what else there may be. I can get back to you this weekend for an exact count.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Erika Park 
  To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org 
  Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:26 PM
  Subject: [Ponte Alto] Symposium update

  Greetings, Ponte Alto.

  Since last weekend's meeting didn't happen and I won't be able to make it to the rescheduled one, here's my update with a few questions that I need answers to.

  -Class schedule is set, instructors have just been checked in with again.  Students in the classes will receive University of Atlantia credit for the classes.
  -Troll is looking good for volunteers.  Melissent in charge.
  -Children's Corner is set to go from 1:30-4:30pm and there will be a children's theater class in the morning.  Siobhan in charge.
  -Newcomer's Point is set to go.  Marsaili in charge.
  -A&S is set to go.  Their Excellencies will choose their new Baronial Artisan.  Delphina in charge.
  -Sorry, no silent auction due to space constraints.  We will have a donation jar at troll for donations to the travel fund for Denise and Robert.
  -Performance schedule in the evening is being handled by Mistress Anne.  Their Excellencies will choose their new Baronial Bard.
  -Evening dancing is being coordinated by one of the dance instructors.
  -We're looking good for the hall set-up crew.  We'll need a few more people to help clean up in the kitchen after feast and help with general site clean up.  The cooks should not be stuck in the kitchen cleaning up after a wonderful feast!
  -A question about baronial supplies - Do we have extra baronial cleaning supplies somewhere?  Extra bathroom supplies?
  -I'm finalizing the event schedule and then will post it to the Merry Rose and finish up the handout for the event (once I get the site map from Mistress Anne).
  -I'll be contacting those who have volunteered and let them know when and where to be.

  Can anyone think of anything else obvious that I might have forgotten?  Please let me know off the list.  Thanks!


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