[Ponte Alto] Reminder: The February "All Things 15th Century Workshop" is tonight (NoVa)

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 16 07:06:52 PST 2005

Hi folks!
The February "All Things 15th Century Workshop" will be held TONIGHT at the home of Courtney de Houghton and Connor Sinclair in Reston, VA.
With the bad weather keeping many of you home last month, we will be doing the gown workshop again for those who wanted to attend and couldn't.
For everyone else, Connor will be hosting a workshop on medieval heraldry, specifically 15th century livery, badges, and coats of arms.  As he is Ponte Alto's herald as well, he will be available for SCA heraldic consultation after the workshop.
The gathering starts at 6 with pattern cutting happening as soon as people arrive.  The heraldy workshop will start at 7.  Light munchies will be provided, contributions are also welcome.
Please contact me at courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com with any questions or to ask for directions.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Lady Courtney de Houghton

Lady Courtney de Houghton 
Acting Atlantian Clerk of Law
Assistant Webminister, Ponte Alto 
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA

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