[Ponte Alto] Medieval Manners

Julina julina at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 4 10:17:03 PST 2005

Every one needs it. 

On reaching a Lord's gate, give the Porter your 
weapon, and ask leave to go in. 

If the master is of low degree, he will come to 
you; if of high, the Porter will take you to him. 

At the Hall-door, take off your hood and gloves. 

If the first meal is beginning, greet the 
Steward, bow to the Gentlemen on each side of the 
hall, both right and left; notice the yeomen, 
than stand before the screen till the Marshal or 
Usher leads you to the table. 

Be sedate and courteous if you are set with the 

Cut your loaf in two, the top from the bottom; 
cut the top crust in 4, and the bottom in 3. 
Put your trencher before you, and don't eat or 
drink till your Mess is brought from the kitchen, 
lest you be thought starved or a glutton. 

Have your nails clean. 

Don't bite your bread, but break it. 

Don't quarrel at table, or make grimaces. 

Don't cram your cheeks out with food like an ape, 
for if any one should speak to you, you can't 
answer, but must wait. 

Don't eat on both sides of your mouth. 

Don't laugh with your mouth full, or sup up your 
potage noisily. 

Don't leave your spoon in the dish or on its 
side, but clean your spoon. 

Let no dirt off your fingers soil the cloth. 

Don't put into the dish bread that you have once 

Do not drink wine beyond your ability to walk and 
talk soberly. 

Dry your mouth before you drink. 

Don't call for a dish once removed, or spit on 
the table: that's rude. 

Don't scratch your dog. 

If ! you blow your nose, clean your hand; wipe it 
with your skirt or pu t it through your tippet. 

Don't pick your teeth at meals, or drink with 
food in your mouth, as you may get choked, or 
killed, by its stopping your wind. 

Tell no tale to harm or shame your companions. 

Don't stroke the cat or dog. 

Don't dirty the table cloth with your knife. 

Don't blow on your food, or put your knife in 
your mouth, or wipe your teeth or eyes with the 
table cloth. 

If you sit by a good man, don't put your knee 
under his thigh. 

Don't hand your cup to any one with your back 
towards him. 

Don't lean on your elbow, or dip your thumb into 
your drink, or your food into the salt cellar: 
Thant is a vice. 

Don't spit in the basin you wash in or loosely(?) 
before a man of God. 

On rising, empty your bladder and belly, nose and 

Cleanse your whole body. 

Say your Prayers. 

Walk gently, go to stool. 

Work in the forenoon. 
Always wear a precious stone in a ring; hold a 
crystal in your mouth; for the virtue of precious 
stones is great. 

Eat only twice a day. 

Don't drink between dinner and supper. 

Don't have one fixed hour for your meals. 

In Winter eat in hot, well-aired places. 

Fast for a day now and then. 

Eat more at supper than dinner. 

After meals, wash your face, and clean your 
teeth, chat and walk soberly. 

Don't sit up late. 

Before bed, rub your body gently. 

Undress by a fire in Winter, and warm your 
garments well. 

Put off your cares with your clothes, and take 
them up again in the morning. 

Julina de Beaumont
Chronicler, Barony of Ponte Alto
Kingdom of Atlantia
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