[Ponte Alto] Il Tempo and Officer Reports - A&S

Barbara Reed bereed26 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 18 14:34:59 PST 2005

Report for Unevent (12/03/05)

Both Lady Renata, who will take over the office in
February, and I attended the A&S Officer meeting at

1.  The Kingdom A&S officer emphasised the need for
A&S officers to have be familiar with the A&S
handbook.  End of year reports are currently not
required, but the KMOAS is considering making them
mandetory again.  At this time, the KMOAS requires all
A&S officers to report at least twice per year.  

2.  The KMOAS suggested that each A&S officer have a
"kit" which he/she takes to events.  The KMOAS kit is
a three-ring binder with pens, paper, notecards, extra
entry forms, extra juding forms, etc.  

3.  The new, streamlined judging forms were
introduced.  Instead of the judging form & instruction
form being separate sheets, the judging instructions
are printed on one side of the sheet, and the other
side is divided so that three judges may mark their
scores without inadvertantly marking one another's

4.  Copyright issues in regards to photographs of
artwork was discussed.  There is a link on the
Chronicler page of the atlantia.sca.org website to the
Atlantian Publication Permission Form.  It was not
clearly explained how this impacts the A&S officers,
nor how it impacts any pictures taken of A&S displays.

5.  The Kingdom Deputy for Historical Combat (Lord
Edward le Clare) gave a short presentation on what it
is & what it is not.  It is basically correographed
combat based on historical precedence & research.  See
Lord Edward (who resides in Ponte Alto)for more

Yours in Service,


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