[Ponte Alto] Pennsic article

Mary mromagno at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 19 18:13:50 PDT 2005

Wow, what an excellent article.

I've just returned from my first Pennsic and although
I could only stay for two days and one night, I am
still digesting the enormity and splendor of it all.

I expected lots of fighting and weapons and campfire
merriment, but I didn't expect such overflowing
kindness and friendship. We had barely unloaded the
car when a passerby stopped to help set up our tent
and a fellow Pontoon invited us to attend a class. 

Whenever I asked for directions ("where is the dance
barn?") the answer invariable came as not "over there"
with a point but a patient "over there, here I'll show
you" followed by a personal escort through the crowds.
When I introduced myself to our neighboring tent, they
didn't just say hello, they invited us to dine with
them and their charming guests!

Truly chivalry in action! What a terrific group of
people. Can't wait until next year.

- Margherita

--- Sabine Berard <sabine at herald.sca.org> wrote:

> It interviews some people local to here. --Sabine
> http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05226/552585.stm
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