[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Branchseneschals] Event Flyer for Black Prince's Birthday

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 15 07:16:18 PDT 2005

Greetings Ponte Alto,
Read if you are going to Black Prince Birthday on May 20-22. Otherwise discard.
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

AnneBalfour at aol.com wrote:
From: AnneBalfour at aol.com
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:38:35 EDT
To: branchseneschals at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Branchseneschals] Event Flyer for Black Prince's Birthday

While I realize this is scant notice, please share the details (below) for 
Black Prince's Birthday (May 20-22) with your groups.
Anne Balfour
Black Diamond

Name of Event: The Black Prince`s Birthday
Date(s) of Event: May 20-22
Hosting Group: Barony of Black Diamond
Update to existing flyer? No

Description: The Year is 1359, the site is England. In celebration of 
Edward, the Prince of Wales upcoming birthday a day of tournament, feast and revelry 
has been declared. The Barony of Black Diamond calls forth the most Noble of 
combatants, to bring their weapons of choice, their skill and prowess to this 
most Honorable field.
Heralds declare that this is a day for all Atlantia, to celebrate on of the 
most historical men in history and quite possibly the 14th century. A day of 
skills to test martial skills as well as those skilled in the arts.To celebrate 
the Black Prince`s birthday in all its glory we ask that you wear and display 
your finest garb.At the height of the day`s martial activities will be honor, 
for honor is what holds a fighter true to their skills and path.This event 
will test this virtue and we know that Atlantia`s fighters will not let us down.

Martial Activities: Friday evening will be a torchlight tourney for both 
heavy and rapier in a traditional bearpit.Saturday will play host to heavy and 
rapier tournaments themed around honor.We encourage fighters to bring a consort 
and a herald, but this is not necessary for entry into the tourneys. There 
will be a target archery competition as well.
Mounted games will be in attendance. Please contact:Baroness Beatrice von 
Staufen at: baronessbeatrice at hotmail.com

MIC:Baron Acbar ibn Ali(James Morrow) achbar at bellsouth.net

Arts & Sciences Activities: Arts and sciences:There will be several 
competitions including but not limited to, best use of a Barony`s heraldry, best 
period encampment, illumination, personal heraldry, novice diplay, bardic, best 
field herald and open display.For further information contact: THLady Alianor 
Atte Redswane at: redswane at bellsouth.net

Cost: Adult, Member: $7.00 Day-Trip $8.00 Feast $10.00 Camping
Adult, Non-Member: $10.00 Day-Trip $8.00 Feast $13.00 Camping
Child (6-17): $3.00 Day-Trip $8.00 Feast $5.00 Camping
Child (0-5): $0.00 Day-Trip $0.00 Feast $0.00 Camping

Cost Notes: Reservations postmarked before 4-30-05 will receive a $3.00 

Site: Bland county fairgrounds, Bland, Va. 24315
Site Restrictions: Discreetly wet, no modern containers. Pets must be on a 

Feast Information: Feast:In grand celebration of the birthday a 4 remove 
feast will be prepared by Lady Senga MacBeathain.Please contact her at: 
lioness635 at earthlink.com for dietary concerns or questions.

Merchanting Information: Merchants are encouraged to attend and need to 
contact the field steward@: luther_josephus at yahoo.com with the size of the 
pavilion. There is no merchant fee but space is limited to outdoors.

Other Information:

Autocrats Information: Ravenna Storm(Brett Mcpeak), po box 452 Max Meadows 
VA, 24360. Phone Number(276)699-9658, E-mail: ravennastorm at yahoo.com

Resevations: Send reservations to autocrat

Directions: From the south: Make your best route to I-77 north. Once in VA 
follow I-77 north towards Wytheville. I-77 will connect with I-81 south. Follow 
I-77 north until it splits with I-81. Stay on I-77 north towards Bluefield, 
WV. Take exit 52 off of I-77. At bottom of ramp take a right. At stop sign take 
a right and follow SCA signs.
>From the north: Take I-81 south to I-77 north towards Bluefield. Follow above 
directions from there.

I affirm that I have obtained permission from each person listed in this 
annoucement to publish their personal information electronically

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