[Ponte Alto] Chalice

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Mon Sep 13 12:11:06 PDT 2004


By now, you should have received your reminders that you signed up to help
out.  If you haven't received a reminder, and you'd like something to do at
Chalice, we still have some opportunities available.

We need:

1) Individuals to assist with site clean up Sunday morning.  It is
imperative that we leave the site in good condition.  THe rangers will be
inspecting around noon.  I feel like we could use a good 3-4 more people
committed to clean up for us to be in good shape.  You must be on site,
ready to work, at 8 a.m. Sunday morning.  Yeah, I know it's early.  But we
don't have a lot of time.

2) Individuals willing to assist as "Porters" for Friday evening and
Saturday morning.  Folks who are camping will not be able to drive their
cars into the cabin camp areas to unload because of PWFP rules.  We are
therefore hoping that folks will be willing to volunteer to help people
carry heavier items down to where the cabins are.  I'd ideally like to have
5-6 people on Friday evening, and another 5-6 for Saturday morning.

If you are interested in helping in either of these positions, please email
me immediately at scalucia at yahoo.com

Thanks so much.  Everyone has been so incredible about volunteering and
pitching in.  It really makes my job look easy when I have such a wonderful
group of people backing me up.  You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

In Service,
Luce Antony Venus
Autocrat, Chalice of the Sun God

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