[Ponte Alto] University - Banners for Feast Hall
Christy Dollymore
karmakris at speakeasy.net
Sun Sep 12 20:29:40 PDT 2004
Greetings unto the populace,
The Barony of Storvik is honored to host Post-University Revel/Feast
October 2, 2004
Barony of Storvik
We are looking for banners to decorate the Feast hall! Yet another chance to
be surrounded by our creativity! Baronial Banners, personal banners,
households, guilds and orders! Show your colors!
To make arrangements for displaying heraldry e-mail karmakris at speakeasy.net
or call (NLT 10pm) 301-982-2060
St. Andrews Church
4512 College Avenue
College Park, MD 20740 just 2 blocks from the campus.
Site Fee $5, Feast $7. Children 6-12 half price, under 6 free. Non-member
surcharge is $3. Payable to the Barony of Storvik, SCA, Inc. Feast limit is
80, only a quarter of the expected university attendance.
Reservations may be sent to the autocrat,
Stefan of Cambion
(Stephen Kiefert)
9704 Beachwood Ave
Lanham, MD 20706
301-731-0673 (NLT 11:30)
lanhamlaw at att.net
In Service,
Lady Elizabeth Harlyn
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