Minister of Minors ( was Re: [Ponte Alto] Chronicler job )

l e storey lestorey at
Fri Oct 15 09:51:14 PDT 2004

Greetings, Lady Maria-Therese!

I'm still very new to the local SCA structure & such, but I do
recognize "Seneschal" as someone who is very much in the Know about the
Barony! That + your post about the chronicler position leads me to I
suspect you are a person I need to talk to about "officially" taking
over the Ministry of Minors / Childrens Corner -- I ran into Lucia at
University, but otherwise haven't had much contact after Chalice with
any Pontoons!

I have some questions that I suspect you may be able to answer --
largely about what the role entails from the Seneschal / Barony
perspective, as well as things like whether there is a budget for
materials, and so on.  I want to make sure that I fully understand the
social & legal expectations of the position before I take it on
"officially."  (E.g., from my understanding it's illegal for parents of
kids under 16 years of age to leave them with someone who isn't a legal
guardian.  I'm going to look into this further, as I certainly want to
understand any legal liabilities I personally may be open to, as well
as the Barony and Society in general.)

I'd also like to get a web site space for the Corner, so I can
hopefully get some support & feedback from parents & Pontoons wrt to
"classes", materials, etc.  (E.g., I'd love it if some of the Barony's
talent came by to sing/tell story/share craft/etc with the kids.)  So a
page or two on what the Corner is all about, what we would like in
terms of donated materials, etc. as well as specific information either
on the event flyers and/or linked from the event flyers would be nice. 
(E.g., I have some Plans for ADATR that would be neat to add to the

And I can imagine that you may have a sense of how many kids there are
in our barony, how many usually show up at events, and so on.

I also had the good fortune of meeting Baroness Molly (Dun Carraig) at
University -- she's done a =lot= with Minors in the past, and will
undoubtedly be a great resource for developing the Corner.

I'm planning on doing the Corner again at ADATR, and have already spent
far too much of my own money on Chalice :-) so the budget question in
particular is one I'd like to know about!

And I do still have the box of goodies from Marsaili ... there are
plenty of crayons, etc. but other interesting craft supplies are

There are also some larger "social" questions that I ran into when
running the Corner at Chalice -- in particular, the parents of the
children did =not= come to get them for lunch (I ended up feeding them,
with Sorcha's help & donated raisins), did not check on them, etc.  I'd
like to understand from an SCA / Ponte Alto perspective what is
appropriate behaviour on the part of the parents, and what recourse I
have (with the support of the Barony, Society, etc) should I encounter
Troublesome People.  I have read through the Kingdom & Society
rules/laws on the Minors activities, so I know that there is an
established "one strike" rule ... but I'm not sure how that compares to
"in the field" practices.

Anyways :-) That's a good (if rambling) start to my questions,
concerns, etc wrt to the Min of Minors.  As buried somewhere in the
above text, I am planning on doing the Corner at ADATR -- some
questions (like whether the kids can be left alone with me) will need
to be addressed before/at ADATR, whereas others can happen
"organically" as time allows.

FWIW, I'm not sure atm whether I'll be able to attend the Baronial
meeting this month, assuming it will be on 31 Oct.  I have folks in
from out-of-town, and will have to play that "by ear" that weekend.  I
may be able to call in, if someone has a Blackberry or similar with
speakerphone, should there be any specific questions etc.  


cell 703 338 6812 / home 703 241 8570

--- Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at> wrote:

> Greetings to the Barony at Large (and small) ;),
> The job of Chroincler is now open.  Unless Mistress Ann would like it
> back again. :) But that is doubtless since she was solisiting for
> this office three months ago.  Keeping that in mind, if you are
> interested in taking notes at Barony meetings, and publishing and
> online and hard copy (5 prints) of your local groups newsletter
> please E- your Seneschal at mariatheresapontoon at ASAP.  I do
> not want to have to be Chronicler too.  So please put me out of my
> misery and apply now. You don't want to see me beg. It could get
> ugly. :)
> YIS,
> Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
> Seneschal, Ponte Alto
> Angel Ludwig <angel_ludwig at> wrote:
> hey pontoons,
> I am sorry, but I have to bow out of the chronicler position. 
> I have had a few too many life things happen in the last few months
> to be able to keep up with
> everything and this is one of the things that is slipping. I would be
> willing to fill-in or help
> out on a case-by-case, but I just can't keep up with it full time.
> I've already notified the
> Seneschal and turned over my files to her. 
> Thank you all for the help I've received.
> Angel
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