[Ponte Alto] Pennsic Encampment

Michael Emrich michaelcemrich at cox.net
Tue May 25 19:56:03 PDT 2004

Greetings from your Seneschal,

>From the posting today, there seems to be some confusion on tent footprints,
the 75 feet give back to the Baronial encampment, and the need to register
ghost.  So, I will try to clear this up.

First, each person is given 250 feet when they register for Pennsic.  In
Barony meetings, it was decided that each person will give back 75 square
feet for common areas (shower, common tent, fire pit, etc.)  This does not
include the safety buffer required by the Pennsic site rules.  This leaves
175 square feet per person for your tents footprint.

Ah, the tent footprint, what is it?  It is the amount of room your tent will
take up (in square feet) on the ground at Pennsic.  This includes the size
of your tent, ropes (if required) and   the required safety buffer (3 feet
between tents).  How do I figure out my footprint?  The easiest way is to go
to the Barony's Pennsic Web page and click on the link for computering your
footprint.  Answer the questions and it will tell you the size of your
footprint.  The tool computes the size of your footprint by taking your tent
dimensions (i.e. 10 x 12) and adding 1.5 feet per size if it has no ropes
and 3 feet per side if it does.  The tool then multiples the length and the
width giving you your footprint. This means: a 10 x 12 tent without ropes,
becomes a 13 x 15 tent (remember the 1.5 feet per side to get the needed
safety distance between tents) or 195 square feet (multiple 13 x 15) or 20
square feet more then the 175 square feet allotted per person.  Now if the
same 10 x 12 tent has ropes, it is now a 16 x 18 (remember 3 feet per side
for the ropes) or 288 square feet (multiple 16 x 18) or 113 square feet over
the allotted space for a single camper.

Now, I think you can see how a single person camping in a 10 x 12 mundane
tent without ropes can go over there allotted space.

How do we fix this you may ask?  It is easy.  First, you could share your
tent with a friend.  This will give you more then enough allotted space (at
least as far as the encampment is concerned).  You and your friend may not
like camping so close together for the two weeks of Pennsic but hey, you
could look on it as a true test of you friendship.  The second choose, is to
register a ghost (additional adult that is going to show-up).  This is an
additional expense and not very cost effective for 20 additional square feet
needed in the above example.  The third and best way, is to split the cost
of the ghost.  This is the course of action that Liz and I, along with their
Excellences, Lord Duncan, and Lady Maria-Theres have opted for.  We are
splitting the cost of one ghost to cover all are land requirements.  In
fact, we still have 88 square feet if someone is in need and is willing to
share in the cost of our little Casper. ;)

I hope this has cleared up the land usage for this year's Pennsic
Encampment.  Finally, I would like to remind everyone.  The deadline for
pre-registration for Pennsic is 1 June. If you have not register, do so
quickly or at least before the deadline.

Miles de Locwode

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