[Ponte Alto] Minister of Minors Wanted

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Wed May 26 06:24:18 PDT 2004

Greetings Good Gentles,
The office of Minister of Minor is opening up in November and needs a volunteer to take on this office for the next two years.  If any one is interested in this position please contact me off list at mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com.  
This is your chance to find out what it's like to be an officer, to hold the reigns of power over little people, and find out what it's like to have a short mob turn against you as in the days of the French Revolution. So put on your kid combat gear, and punt them back into play.  We need you! <Imagine the Uncle Sam posters from the 40s>
All Joking aside the office is pretty stress free.  The four or five event we throw a year only require report for individual events and maybe an overall quaterly report.  You have very little to do beyond that except show up at the Baronial meetings and give a verbal account of what went on over the prior month.  If nothing happened you just stand up and say nothing happened.
Any volunteers?
Lady Maria-Therese de Normande
Deputy Seneschal And Future Empress of the Universe.
(Oops! A little punchy this morning.  Ignore the silly stuff if it annoys you.)

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