[Ponte Alto] Il Tempo Changes

Barbara barb at ravenstreet.org
Wed Mar 24 11:59:09 PST 2004

I believe you've heard that Lady Ursula has stepped down as our Ponte Alto
Chronicler.  *sniff*    Master Corun graciously published Il Tempo for us
this past month, and I have volunteered to take up the chronicler position
temporarily until someone else steps forward.    If you would like to be a
baronial officer and have some ideas about this job, PLEASE speak up!  I'm
excited to do this job again (I was baronial chronicler for a long time some
ten years ago or so), but I also want to be temporary - like two months -
because I have some other activities that also keep me busy.


I'd like to tell you some of my thoughts.  Ok.this could be boring.  If you
want to skip it, please at page down to my plea for stuff.  See "what I


Once upon a time Il Tempo was the ONLY baronial communication media we had.
It was vital for our group to have this paper published with information and
announcements about our activities.   The format of the booklet was set up
to make it easy to find information in the paper.  Things are different now:
we have many other resources to use to find information we need.  (I
remember, as Chronicler, when this newcomer named Kevin offered to set up a
web page for us for the first time.)   Even though we are now publishing Il
Tempo almost exclusively on the web, it is still formatted primarily as a
paper booklet.  Do any of us really open up the Il Tempo for any reason
besides to see that it actually got published?  (That's actually a good
question.  I'm assuming "no".but feel free to adjust my thinking if I'm


My conclusion is that, in its current form, Il Tempo has outlived its


So, let's change it and make it useful.  (Yes, this is one of us old-ti .er.
"seasoned" members saying its time to make some changes.  Change CAN be
good! Ok, don't faint.)


My plan:  It's already being published "on line" so we change the format to
be a "webzine" - the primary format being a series of web pages.   We can
also create a PDF of the website, to print / send to our friends who are not
web-connected and for the required "complimentary" copies.  Lady Cassandra
is already working with me to get the technical aspects of this working.
(THANKS Cassandra!)


With this format change, we can focus on CONTENT. One place on the web for
our weekly activities and one place on the web officers contact information
means we only have to keep one place current.    And more ARTICLES - more
ways to share information, advice, creativity and ways to help our newcomers
become one of us.



1)  Any reports to be published from officers or Their Excellencies (or
anyone else!) by the evening of the Baronial meeting.  (by email, please?) 

2)  I WANT GRAPHICS for the "cover"!  No, not computer graphics, but
original hand-work.  I want the artistry of our barony to be seen!  I've
used clip art, but I hate it - it just doesn't do anything for me.  So I
have a goal to NOT use clip art.   Please consider making a drawing we can
use for the cover.  It's a good opportunity to get some practice, and we
have the technology to photograph or scan your original work. Are you a
scribe with a new scroll finished for someone? Cool:  let it be seen!  I
also would enjoying using appropriate photos (like, from events).  I just
ask that the photos show no mundane items, and we can get permission from
anyone shown in the photo.  

3)  Articles!  Do you have a story to share?  A recipe?  Advice to give?
Research to present?  Write it up, and send it to me!  Do you have
information but no time to turn it into an article? I have a willing
volunteer - Gabrielle du Blanc - who will do the writing for you!

4)  Responses on a "survey" that I'm setting up as a monthly article. This
month's will be in another email shortly.

5) Your ideas and creativity!


So.who wants to volunteer a cover for me for this month?  Anyone want to
write up a "review" of what happened at Bloodbath last week?  As an event,
how many stars would you give it? :-)



Mistress Anne of Carthew



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