[Ponte Alto] Mustering of Her Excellencies Guard

Catalina dell' Acqua akgnome at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 16 09:58:26 PDT 2004

Greetings unto the Barony!

As the Barony makes ready to go to War in aide of our
faire Kingdom, Her Excellency, Baronne Belphoebe, has
appointed me as Captain of her Guard and entrusted me
with her security while in foreign lands. To that end,
I ask that any able-bodied persons willing to commit
sword, spear or other weapons to make themselves known
to me (off-list, please) as Captain of Her
Excellencies Guard. You need not be a fighter to join
us as we escort Her Excellency about the War. However,
we do request that you bring some sort of weapon
(cricket bat, banana, trebuchet, etc)to defend our
Most Gracious Baroness from those that would do her

Additionally, please let me know where you plan on
making camp (block number and camp name), so that I
may promptly call the guard to muster when Her
Excellency requires us.

Additional details will be forthcoming...

In Service,

Signora Catalina dell"Acqua
Captain, Her Excellency of Ponte Alto's Guard
Scholar, Academie d'Espee
Atlantian Siege Guild

Kingdom of Atlantia
Barony of Ponte Alto
Fallen From Grace Trading Company
Captain, Flotsam

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